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Java & Chino being fabulous
at obedience class!

05-14-05 - When we arrived, all the dogs were sitting quietly with their owners. Of course, Chino & Java disrupted everything with their excited barking & high-pitched yelping.
Mark of Barkbusters took us aside to a small room & showed us some techinques to get the rowdy pups under control. To our amazement, they were nearly instantly effective! We rejoined the class & were able to follow & listen in peace.

We're using the techniques we learned & are very pleased that Chino & Java are doing so well. They still want to chase/play with the cats but are more mindful as time goes on.
We're certain they'll turn into excellent, well-behaved dogs & find wonderful loving homes!

Thank you, GoodDogz & BarkBusters!

What a face! Java's warm brown eyes & cute underbite.

Enthusiastic greetings are their specialty!
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