Jimson relaxing
at the vet, purring away.
breakfast in bed!
a cold, snowy afternoon I found this poor bedraggled cat. His
nose was raw, he
was filthy dirty, skinny, sick, declawed, & out in the cold. I
could tell he was friendly by the way he meowed & looked at me, but at first
try I wasn't able to get him in the carrier. I set out dried kibble & came
back later with a humane trap.
This time the cat was ready to go with me & let me get him in the carrier. We
went straight to the vet, where he got vaccines & a checkup, & tested
FLV & FIV negative. His filthy, irritated ears were cleaned, & tested
negative for ear mites. His teeth were in bad shape, but the vet estimated
he was at least 10 yrs old. I set him up in a large comfy crate at CR!FR
HQ & he basically slept & ate for 4 days. I decided to call him Jimson.
the 5th day, I brought Jimson back to the vet for bloodwork. His
breathing was laboured & radiographs showed he had pleural
effusion (fluid in the membrane surrounding the lungs & heart). The
vet drained 230 cc's of fluid! I was told that this condition could
be caused by diabetes, cancer, cardiac issues, etc. & that Jimson's
prognosis wasn't good.
I brought Jimson back to CR!FR to give him a little more time to experience warmth,
affection, & yummy food. He began to perk up & it was clear he
was a really sweet cat. He purred a lot & loved attention, especially
vigorous ear rubs. He was content to nap, eat, cuddle, & watch the
other kitties play.
days later he was back at the vet for an other pleura drain - around
200 cc's. I knew it wasn't a cure, & it was expensive, but
I wanted him to enjoy comfort & warmth a little while longer.
I had hoped to restore this sweet cat to health & glory & find him a
loving home. Sadly, 5 days later poor Jimson passed away in his sleep. I'm
glad I was able to give him 11 days of love & care & he didn't die out
in the cold & snow.