in the hay is
a favorite pastime....
is moth-watching.
was one of the cutest kittens you ever saw; much smaller than
her 4 brothers, with huge eyes, a little nose, & the loudest
meow. Her
siblings were initially reserved but Bette was known
for aggressive displays of affection. She'd jump on your lap & writhe,
knead, paw & head-butt with such intensity, while meowing & purring
Bette & her
siblings were born in a neighbor's shed a few houses up the
road. We lent the homeowners a trap & within an hour or
so they got her mom, Luna. She was very feral & the
kittens weren't enthused about being kidnapped by aliens either.
They were about 6-7 weeks old, young enough to adjust & accept
the 5 kittens, Bette is the most outspoken, shall we say. If
an other cat gets too close for her liking, she'll emit a piercing,
shrill, loud yowl, as if she was being cornered. I'll rush over
to break up a standoff but it'll be just Bette all puffed up & an
other cat looking confused. Perhaps she's compensating for being
the smallest cat. She's mellowed a bit, fortunately.
Bette is still very affectionate but a little less intense. She
loves to sit on your lap & purr, roll around & smile,
still cute as can be.
Bette & siblings' baby pictures