Cairo & Firley relaxing
the cat cot.

Shy Cairo hiding.
is a handsome but very shy fellow. He was rescued as an adult & had
an upper respiratory infection upon arriving at CRFR. He didn't
have much of an appetite & it was hard to ensure he was
getting his medicine.
resting up in a large crate, Cairo got over
his cold & joined the CR!FR tribe. He
didn't adjust well initially & went long periods without
even popping his head out of hiding to see what was up. Turns
out he had
a secret hiding place in the rafters & would only come
down when no humans were around.
sealed off Cairo's hiding place, forcing
him to adjust to the CR!FR environment. Eventually,
he'd let himself be seen for a brief moment.
Now he feels relaxed enough to remain on the cat cot when he's
napping but he'll hide if he feels uneasy.
has a ways to go but whether he gets there or not doesn't matter.
He's safe, warm, dry, well-fed & with many family members from
colony. Hopefully he's happy, too.
I'm sad to report that beautiful Cairo passed away at the vet today. He
had a very large tumor on his right hind leg. The vet said taking the leg
wouldn't be advisable because it was so big. Plus he had other health issues,
retinal degeneration. Cairo never got to the point that he'd tolerate close
human proximity. We didn't know about the tumor it until it was quite big. Cairo
was a mellow cat who generally kept to himself. He hid out of sight for
the better part of his 1st year here. After he relaxed a little,
he was
seen sleeping, curled up on the futon in the feral lounge with his buddies,
or scurrying off to a hiding place.
time with us was short but at least Cairo had 3 years of comfort & warmth,
good food & the company of his colony. I wish I had more photos
of him, he was always very shy.
you on the other side, Cairo. Say Hi to Li'l Bette for us. We
miss you both. |