Taming Pebble.

Pebble today,
plump & relaxed.
• Pebble before
was rescued
the reststop Pebble
rescued from
is not only a Fabulous Feral Success Story but unusual physically
as well. For starters, her tail is only half-length. She's
polydactyl on her front feet (meaning she has multiple
With her
fur & very
wide feet it looks like she's wearing bell-bottoms. She
had to have one dew claw toe removed because the claw had curled
around & grown into her skin. Her left hind foot is normal
but her right hind foot has only one toe. It must cause her
some discomfort because she tries not to put weight on that
foot. But she scampers around fine on the other three.
holds a special place in the origins of CR!FR. When I first saw
the cats at the Turnpike reststop, she was only about 5 weeks
old. I saw her playing in the rear parking lot, batting a pebble
around. I tried to catch her but she was too quick. I was so
relieved when I caught her 4 mos later.
was young enough to tame but old enough to make it difficult.
In addition to being a frightened feral, she had a grumpy side
& would growl a lot, even when she was purring & enjoying
a chin rub. She was eventually released to the CR!FR Tribe semi-tame.
didn't seem to want attention from humans or cats. She'd growl
& lash out at the others if they crowded her space at mealtime.
She mostly kept to herself although she did join in string chasing
with the gang. I kept reaching out to her, but didn't
push it. She'd tolerate a pet on the head occasionally but
that was
about it.
Pebble's short
tail, small paw
& big paws.
a wonderful change has come over Pebble recently. Suddenly it
seems a light has turned on in her head. All by herself, she's
become very sociable & wanting attention! Not from
other cats, though.
tries to get attention by catching my eye
with a look of affectionate expectation. She arches her neck
in a "pet
invitation. She even sits on my lap for a quick visit. Which
is delightful because Pebble's fur is the softest & silkiest
in the world. It's great to see
Pebble happy & well-adjusted.
Patience does pay off.
