and Halle need to be adopted as a pair. Halle just loves Lahrbert,
giving him head butts and curling up to sleep with him. Lahrbert cannot
be placed with other male cats as he will fight with them. When he
gets with another boy kitty, there is no standoff. He simply launches
himself at the other male cat. And yes, he's been neutered. But he
loves people, and is SO sweet. He gives kisses and head butts all day
long, and what a purr!
great cats should go to a family with some land and away from busy
roads. They were born outside, and they LOVE to go out. I've tried
to make them indoor
cats for their safety, but Halle cries to go out and she just won't stop crying.
Halle and Lahrbert and spayed and neutered and are up to date on rabies
and distemper. They both tested negative for FIV and leukemia. Both are also
very clean, and use the litter box without fail (and cover well, too).
has to be confined to a tiny half bathroom when he's not outside as
he will tear my 13 yr old boy kitties up if he gets to them.
Both of these great kitties came back with me from Islamabad, Pakistan.
They were hungry and getting no help from the humans around, so I brought
them back. They did not know one another there, as Halle was a small
kitten who lived by the American Embassy pool, and Lahrbert was a street
cat who hung around the hotel where I stayed. He got in fights nightly
with another tomcat, and despite defending his territory successfully
each time, had a face full of wounds and scabs for his troubles. He would
barely let me stroke his back if I did it carefully while he was eating,
and only because he was so starving.
was very jumpy, and whenever a local man would walk past where I was
spending time with
Lahrbert, he would take off before the person was within 50 ft! It
was obvious to me that this cat had never known kindness, and had likely
been mistreated quite often. Because of his scaredy cat nature back
I named him after the actor who played the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard
of Oz, Bert Lahr. Bert Lahr...Lahr, Bert...Lahrbert. Well, it was a
very slow and gradual transformation, but this cat is a lover, and loves
be loved!
Halle is still very skittish, having had no human contact as a
feral kitten when I trapped her. She lets me pet her when she's
with Larhbert,
and occasionally when she's all comfy in a cat bed and doesn't
feel like running away. : ) In other words, she has come a LONG
way, and
when she
does allow her cheek to be scratched, she really leans into it,
and what a purr!
very sad to keep Lahrbert in that little room, and that's why
I need to find him a great home fast, because living in a half bathroom
is not the life
he deserves.
inquire about adopting Halle & Lahrbert, contact Mike Moon:
- h, 703-613-9678 - w, 571-214-0511 - c,
